5 Proven Ways to get Workout Motivation
January 3, 2018
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June 13, 2018Travel Fit – Hotel Room Workout

Traveling is not an excuse to abandon your workout. It might be a bit of an obstacle, but not an excuse. Simply pack a few tubes and bands and workout right in your hotel room! Or find a hotel that has a great fitness facility, guided runs or lots of stairs…insta gym!
If you prefer to stay in your hotel for a quickie…workout that is, the moves below will exercise your entire body! It’s perfect if you have a hard time fitting in fitness. If you do have a bit more time, you can find over 250 exercises in this exercise library.Some hotels do offer great pools, yoga studios and even workout classes.
HOTEL ROOM WORKOUT -Try the exercises below for a quick 30 min workout, aiming to work the muscles to fatigue in 3 repetitions. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions! Amie@HoffFitness.com
Duck Walk
Start: Stand with feet a little wider than shoulder width apart and bend the knees as if squatting.
Movement: Staying in a squat position, walk across the floor keeping the legs wide.
Tip: Keep the chest lifted up.
Start: Stand with feet shoulder width apart, holding handles and hands on hips.
Movement: Using the outer hip, lift one leg out to the side as you stand on the opposite leg
Tip: Try to maintain balance. Bring feet closer to make it easier.
View all 250 exercises here
Rear Shoulder Row
Start: Kneel on one leg, arms up straight in line with the tubing, palms facing down.
Movement: Using the back of the shoulder, pull elbows back in line with the tubing, creating a 90 degree angle.
Tip: Try not to shrug your shoulders.
Reverse Crunch with Resistance
Start: Lie on your back, hands at your side, knees bent at 90 degree angle with band around feet.
Movement: Using your abs, pull the legs into the chest with the resistance on the feet.
Tip: Lift hips slightly off the floor.
Side Plank with Leg Lift
Start: On your side, propped up on the elbow, directly under the shoulder and feet with the body in a straight line, hand on your hip.
Movement: Keeping the hips up, lift the top leg up as high as possible.
Tip: Keep your hand on your hip.
Kickback with Resistance
Start: On all fours with hands directly under your shoulders holding on to the ends of the band. The center of the band is wrapped around one of the feet.
Movement: Using your Glutes push the leg back straight, making sure there is tension on the band.
Tip: Keep the back flat.
Push up
These can be done on the desk/dresser or on the floor
Start: On your toes and hands placed a bit wider than shoulder width and in line with the chest, fingers facing forward.
Movement: Bend the elbows to a 90 degree angle, lowering the chest toward the ground, keeping your back flat. Press through the chest back up to starting position.
Tip: Keep abs tight as to not sway the back.
Mountain Climbers – Abs and Cardio
Start: On hands and toes with arms directly under the shoulders.
Movement: Using your abs, run your knees to the chest, alternating each leg.
Tip: Try to work your way to a fluid movement.
Inner Thigh Pillow Squeeze
Start: Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor with a pillow between the knees.
Movement: Using your inner thighs, squeeze the pillow, lift your butt and hold for 3-5 seconds.
Tip: Keep abs tight.